Julmarknad/Joulumarkkinat 9.12. 11-16

Welcome to our home, Silverpilen, for our annual Christmas Market! Our whole neighborhood turns into a wintery Christmas market, with ”julstämning” in abundance.

So if you want to come by for a pepparkaka and glögg, or if you’re just curious about how we live – come by Finnbergsgatan 13, 21600 Pargas on Saturday the 9th of December! Our daughter has been baking for weeks and the whole family is engaged in the Christmas market.

We’re also planning on having more summer cafés this summer – it was so much fun! We really, really love our Christmas Market and summer cafés and meeting new people who love our neighborhood as much as we do <3

P.S. It can sometimes be tricky to find our house so I’ve included a map further down. We also have a handy sign on the corner of the house – it says Silverpilen (named so after the silvery willow tree that grows next to the house)