I haven’t always been able to have traditional Christmas scents at our home because of allergies, but you can add some magic through sound as well! There is something magical about the sound of tinkling bells at Christmastime. When I was little I used to pretend a tomtenisse had walked by when a bell jingled, and some of that feeling still exists somewhere for me. Here are some easy DIY:s using jinglebells:
Acorn bells are the perfect mix of whimsy and magic. Go pick some acorn caps, dry them and glue jingle bells to the inside.
If you have a lot of bells you can add them to a sturdy piece of metal wire, turn them into a wreath and hang them on a door. Makes for a lovely jingle whenever someone walks through the door.
You can also add your bells to the decorations you make. Make decorations out of self-hardening clay with a cut out for a jingle bell.