This year’s Halloween party

Our house was sufficiently spooky this Saturday, for our annual Halloween party.

…we seem to have a spider infestation! That’s what you get when you live in an old house, I guess.

Niklas made a dessert consisting of dirt and earthworms

…or rather chocolate pudding, crushed oreos and jello worms that he made himself. It was a huge hit!

I love decorating with eyes here and there.

We served pumpkin hummus in a pumpkin bowl

Our guest brought along some food including these barbeque sticks with creepy eyes among other things. They were delicious!

I tried to color the kids’ drinks, but accidentally made their drinks more creepy by adding a food coloring that was a bit gel like. It looked like something died at the bottom of the container!

Spooky pie

Our teenager, Jack Skellington

Our two youngest were ”creepy twins” and greeted all the guests with a creepy dialogue.

I got to do their makeup, with no bars on how creepy it would get to be – the same didn’t go for my makeup! my kids want me to look like Mom all the time…!

Which I did, just added a bit of facial hair…

It was such a fun night. We even had time to play our two favorite games – Lovecraft Letter and Last Night on Earth, and this time the zombies won…! Moahahahahaaa! (My best friend and I always play the zombies)


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2 kommentarer

  1. Det ser fantastisk ud alt sammen. Desserten har jeg set flere steder, men jeg synes jeres ser virkelig creapy ud. Faktisk den bedste jeg har set.

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