Things that start with the letter K

This time I did the challenge in swedish – not that many things around our house that start with the letter K in English! Or well, they perhaps should start with the letter K, if all people would spell the words the same, but because of historical differences the English and the Nordic languages sometimes differ on the spellings, even on words that sound alike. Or sometimes the word used to sound the same in both languages, but the pronunciation has changed, like the word ”Knife” – kniv, in Swedish. The K is silent in English, but that wasn’t always the case! It used to be pronounced almost in the same way that we still pronounce it in Swedish, which makes sense as it is probably a word that was borrowed from old Norse.

Sometimes words get borrowed and re-borrowed, which I find funny!

We lent the English speakers some words, and then borrowed them back, but by now people are thinking they are anglicisms when in fact they are just old Norse words that have been around the world for a bit, and now come home again! Sometimes with a new meaning in tow (like for example the word kid – it used to mean a young goat, nowadays it means a child, and is even used in informal Swedish to mean just that!)


Knappar – buttons038

Kristaller – crystals041

Kaffe – coffee043

Krona – crown048 (4)

Knivar – knives052



Pieni Lintu - MakroTex challenge

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8 kommentarer

  1. En bra kollektion av K-ord. Ofta ett ord med K på finska eller svenska låter nästan lika som samma ord på engelska, men engländare skiver ordert med C (katt, kaffe, crona etc.)

  2. pappilanmummo

    Todella vaikeaa löytää englanniksi, ruotsiksi ja vaikkapa vielä suomeksikin sama esine tai kohde, joka alkaisi samalla kirjaimella.
    Kissa kai aika lähellä, koska lausutaan c=k.

  3. Kaunista. Kruunu, kristalli, kissa, korkki, kahva ja karkki

  4. Hienosti toteutettu haaste, ja sulla tuplana kielen vuoksi!:) Sama satumainen fiilis kuin aina.:)

  5. Hurjan hienoja kuvia!

  6. Kauniit kuvat.

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