Finally some snow!

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Sometimes it seems as if everyone in the Nordic countries except us has had snow by now this winter. Now it’s finally our turn!

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Nothing much to brag about, but enough snow and sun to get the kids to get a little bit interested in staying outside and trying making snowmen (with no luck) and  sledding (hopefully successfully! I’ll soon find out otherwise – at the moment I’m alone at home having a cup of tea!)


I myself spent most of my time outdoors indoors in one of the outbuildings filling bags with firewood. We use a lot of firewood now that it is this cold – our house is mainly heated this old fashioned way.

029 (2)I can’t help to long a little bit for springtime and summer when I walk through the garden!

My beautiful flowerbeds are all vanished by now, and the pond is frozen over, and we are all so much looking forward to starting up the frozen brook and pond once again this spring. But today we enjoy the sun and the lovely weather, and a proper winter’s day!


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En kommentar

  1. Klen tröst men Göteborg har INGEN snö. Vi fick vår dos över Nyår på Grövelfjäll i Norra Dalarna dock.

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