Rephalsband DIY

This was a super easy and fun necklace to make. Unfortunately I chose the wrong materials for this, so this necklace doesn’t look this good now after a few times wearing it!

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I took a few pieces of embroidery floss, and unfortunately also some silk floss. Then I wound them around each other and varied the colours as I wished. The necklace is around 2 meters long so that I can wound it around my throat a couple of times.


When the whole rope was done I sewed seed beads and other beads to the rope, and attached two tassels that I made from the same embroidery floss.

A great necklace to add some colour to the summer dress, but unfortunately the silk was a bad idea! The silk is already unraveling in spite of my having wound it pretty tight. Now I have to make a new one, which is not too much of a chore, because this was really fun and a great way  to justify watching a few episodes of TV!  But the next necklace will have to wait for a rainy day – the sunny days are far to precious to spend indoors

Have a great day!



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