My second card in the postcardswap

Yesterday I received this vibrant card with a big exotic mendhi in the middle and the word Joy stamped on it.

On the back Lis, the artist, has written:

Each day we have the option to


In thought, word, or deed

Ask ”How can I bring Joy into this moment?”

Choosing Joy does not mean denying other feelings or responses;

rather it is acknowledging that we are vast enough

to hold so much more within ourselves.

Choosing Joy is means to discover the gifts

each moment offers us when we are open and present.

And choosing Joy is good for ourselves and our world!

Become a Joy Warrior and join us

as we seek to bring more joy into our world.

Bubbles optional but recommended.

Such a happy joyful card, it made me smile! I will certainly try to be a Joy Warrior from now on! Sounds like just what the world needs.

Check out Lis’s blog here.

3 kommentarer

  1. Jättefina kort du fått, och vilka fina ord som Joy skrivit bakpå kortet! Nästan så man blir sugen på att testa postcard swapen själv, vore verkligen intressant att se vad för slags kort man skulle få och varifrån!

  2. Ah, my colorful card fits in nicely with your beautiful world! I think it is confirming the fact you are already a Joy Warrior! So nice to connect with you 🙂

    xo Lis

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