Glad Valborg!

Happy Valborg/Walpurgis night everyone! We’re celebrating at home, with lots of colors, good food, a bit of dancing and a very embarrassing mother who keeps making dad jokes…! Valborg equals spring here up North, so here’s to hoping spring gets the message and reappears this year too!   RSS | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook

Happy Easter!

  I’ve been sick a while, so I’m taking an early Easter break – but I’ll return with lots of more DIY:s, upcycled jewelry and other crafty stuff!   RSS | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook

Happy Snowday!

Adding to the weirdness, we finally got winter this season! …or rather, the winter season decided to come and visit us during spring! It’s not too bad, since it meant my kids wanting to be outside having snow ball fights! They would have wanted to go skiing, but our skis are at my parents’ place, …

Life right now

Well, that was quite a week! It’s such a strange situation we’re living in, when the whole world is in the same boat. My parents were stuck in Spain, but fortunately got to come home yesterday, so now I can finally relax at least a little bit. I’ve been so tired as a result, and …

Self care and the care of others in the time of Coronavirus

Well, this turned out to be a much different March than I had thought! I’ve been sick on and off the last 6 months (several bouts of the shingles), and I tend to get asthma and my immune system is definitely down. We decided to voluntarily self quarantine and keep the kids away from school. …