Påskris – my favourite Easter tradition!

Here in Finland we decorate with something called Påskris during Easter. Traditionally it is birch branches decorated with feathers and sometimes eggs and ornaments. In Denmark they have a similar tradition, but in the days leading up to Lent, and they decorate their birch branches not with feathers but with brightly coloured strips of paper …

Easter at my house

Easter is happening once again in our house, in spite of us really not having room or energy for it, but in spite of that some Easter decorations show up almost by themselves! At least it feels like that – I rummaged through my Easter boxes for the feathers for the Påskris, and then my …


Det börjar närma sig påsk så småningom, och när jag var liten var bland det roligaste med att vänta på påsken att få pyssla egna påskpynt! Vi tjuvstartade med påskpysslandet med att fixa fina katter till fastlagsriset, men dom funkar precis lika bra till påskriset också! Jag gjorde en mall på ett katthuvud som barnen …