Changing my brain, one walk in the woods at a time

The lovely snow melted away last night, but before that it was amazing to be out walking and just enjoying our environs.

We are so fortunate to live in a part of town that is as beautiful as this, with old buildings and streets that have been here for hundreds of years.

Our church was built in the 1300s – it is amazing to think how many people have stood here and looked at the exact building!

But mainly when I go for walks I try to go out into the woods – the piece and quiet there just allows me to relax, and helps to keep my stress hormone levels down. 

About here is when I can feel relaxation take a hold of me. And I am not alone in loving to spend time in nature – more and more studies are made about the impact walks in nature is having on our brains and our health.

There is just something so liberating about not seeing any man made objects or hearing the noises of civilization.

This is where my inspiration lives.


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